Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Episode 3: Who should pay?

He says:
No doubt about it at all. Women must pay.
Men have been paying for years now. Time for payback.
Yes, man was an ape once upon a time. Just like how he used to pay once upon a time. But here's a word, ladies: It's called evolution.
The modern man no longer wants to pay.
He might buy you a drink when he's high or buy you coffee to make you feel special — once in a while. Which is why and how it becomes `special'. If he did it everyday, he would be such a bore and of course, broke, unless he's got a sugar daddy.
Also, it has something to do with empowerment.
Come on, shell out the money. Show us who's the boss. As Rod Tidwell says in "Jerry Maguire": "Show me the money!"
Bad enough you make the guy drive you around most of the time. And, the number of times we drop you home. Do you, like, even know about the escalating cost of fuel and maintenance?
You give the guy a heartache every other week, are you aware how much a night out with the boys costs?
And, those endless mushy phone calls in the middle of the night. Who do you think pays? It's a man or his father. Or the girl or her father (if she calls). Which means that the probability of a man paying the phone bill is three out of four.
So the next time you go out, be a lady. Pay for the guy. He always entertains you with his romantic services.
Also, he's probably broke and borrowing money just to make you feel good.
Coffee: 50 bucks.
A full-course meal: 150 bucks.
The pleasure and satisfaction of taking a man out: Priceless.

She says:
And I always thought they enjoyed paying. Honestly. I've gone out with guys who are completely rabid about picking up the cheque.
Through dessert, they make eyes at the waiter. Drum their fingers on the table. Flex their credit card holding fingers. And when the bill arrives, they jump up in one beautiful swoop and grab it.
So, what's a girl to do? I'd pay, but I really don't want to break a nail. After all, a man's got to do what a man's got to do. And maybe, someday, I'll pay him back by baking him a basket of cookies. (Snort. Yeah right! Only if I can hire someone to make them for me.)
Besides, when a guy asks you out for dinner, he has to pay for the pleasure of your company in some manner. You're doing your job by looking nice, and listening to his boring office-and-sports stories with an appropriately wide-mascara-eyed admiring expression.
Oh, all right. I admit it. Gender roles have changed. And men don't have to pay anymore, just like I don't have to bake cookies anymore. (Give me a moment to recover from a bout of hearty laughter caused by the image of myself in a kitchen.)
But it's still a charming gesture. It's not about the money. Two cappuccinos cost less than a pedicure. Paying for them is no big deal.
However, when a man pulls out his wallet to pay at a restaurant, it tells you, he's generous. When he fights through a crowded bar to get you a fruit juice at the disco, it means he's thoughtful. When he picks up movie tickets, it means he's considerate.
And that's why you date the guy who takes you out for dinner, and just become backslapping buddies with the chap that makes you pay for his pizza.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont fight with my girl friend on this ever :). We call it a date, when we both share the bill :). It is just a normal casual eat-out when we go out and one person pays (either me or her).

12:27 AM  

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